Ganit Goldstein


Ganit Goldstein is a Computation Textile and Fashion Designer specialising in the development of smart textile systems. Ganit’s primary interest is in the intersection between craft and technology, combining virtual tools and tangible materials to extend the possibilities of programmable textiles. Her work focuses predominantly on pioneering the use of 3D printing fabrication to produce customized 3D textiles.

Ganit is studying for SMArchS in the Computation group at MIT Architecture and positioned as a Research Assistant at the Self Assembly Lab. Previously worked as a Research Assistant in MIT Media Lab - Tangible Media Group. Between 2019-2021, Ganit completed her MA in the Textiles course at London’s Royal College of Art and graduated with distinction from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem from BA in Fashion and Jewelry.

Ganit's collections have received significant attention and won several prestigious prizes and press recognition. Her projects have been presented at exhibitions and museums globally, including: Milan Design Week, New York Textile Month, Munich Jewellery Week, TLV Biennale of Crafts & Design 2020 and many more.

In 2019/2020, Ganit was awarded the Re-FREAM Horizon 2020 grant to re-imagine the manufacturing process of 3D textiles together with a community of scientists and leading companies around Europe.

Ganit believes in an interdisciplinary approach to design- mixing tradition and futuristic techniques, emphasize the relationship between Craft, Technology, Science, and Arts through pioneer research and worldwide collaborations.

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